Two to three years (usually four or five semesters). Students may quicken or slow their pace toward completion, depending on their individual circumstances.
Bard Microcollege students enroll full-time. The typical full-time course load is 3 courses per semester, 4 credits per course = 12 credits per semester. Some variation is possible.
At the height of the pandemic, classes at the Bard Microcolleges ran remotely, but the Microcolleges are in-person schools; we do not offer a remote-learning option. Online classes are only offered as a last resort.
Classes follow a standard academic calendar. Daytime classes are scheduled between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Yes, if you can schedule your work hours around your college work and other responsibilities. A full-time, three-course, 12-credit course load requires at least 8 hours of in-class time per week, plus 16-24 hours of work outside of class. Students who have added a job to their college and household responsibilities have become expert time managers.
Yes, Bard will accept up to 30 credits for courses taken at another institution as long as they’re similar to those offered at Bard. You must provide proof that you completed the course and earned a grade of C or better. Bard’s registrar has to review and approve each transfer-credit request.
Yes. If you’re accepted, Bard counselors may be able to work with you to rehabilitate loans in default and help you qualify again for federal and state financial aid—this is a goal but not a guarantee.
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